How many arrangements for 2 counters in a line, in grids of various sizes ranging from 2x2 up to 8x8? (Basic data and information). I will also be finding out how many combinations on an NxN grid.

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Some Questions

  • How many arrangements for 2 counters in a line, in grids of various sizes ranging from 2x2 up to 8x8? (Basic data and information).
  • I will also be finding out how many combinations on an NxN grid.

The Plan

First I am going to find out how many arrangements there are in different grid sizes.

(2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8). I will then put all these results into a table. I will then be able to analyse the data and look for patterns within the numbers. This will allow me to start calculating what a possible formula might be.

Possible Formula

For the diagonal combinations this could be the formula

(N-1) x (N-1) + (N-1) x (N-1) = All possible diagonal combinations.

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For the horizontal and vertical combinations this could be the combinations this could be the formula:

(N-1) x N + (N-1) x N = All possible horizontal and vertical combinations.

Does it work? Testing the formula…

After working out the total number of arrangements for two more grids the 9x9 and 10x10, I put the formula to work by checking it against my diagram results.

9x9 diagonal (9-1) x (9-1) = 64 + (9-1) x (9-1) = 128

9x9 horizontal and vertical (9-1) x9 = 72 + (9-1) x9 = 144

128 + 144 = 272


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