Opposite Corners Maths investigation.

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Opposite Corners Maths investigation


For this investigation I am going to try and develop a formula to work out the difference between the products of the numbers in the opposite corners of any rectangle that can be drawn on a 10 x 10 grid composing of 100 squares.

I shall use tables to present my findings; I shall be making predictions and proving my predictions right or wrong with examples. I will be using algebra to prove any of the rules I manage to create by analysing my results.


To begin with I shall first find the difference between the products of the numbers in the opposite corners of 2x3 rectangles.

  1. 34 x 26 = 884

24 x 36 = 864


Do all 2x3 rectangles have a difference of 20?

  1. 58 x 50 = 2990

48 x 60 = 2880


It appears that they do. I predict that all 2x3 rectangles have a difference of 20. To prove this I shall calculate the difference between the products of the number in the opposite corners of one more 3x2 rectangle.

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  1. 85 x 77 = 6545

75 x 87 = 6525


Yes, it appears my prediction is correct. All 2x3 rectangles on the grid have a difference of 20.

However what if the rectangle is aligned differently on the grid, so the shorted sides are at the top and bottom? Will the difference for that still be 20?


  1. 46 x 65 = 2990

45 x 66 = 2970


Nope, it is still 20.


I will ...

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The general pattern for a 10 x 10 grid is identified but it is limited. There are some small mathematical errors in the formula. To improve this investigation more algebraic manipulation is needed to verify the identified pattern. Specific strengths and improvements have been suggested throughout.