The Fencing problem.

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A farmer has exactly 1000 metres of fencing and wants to fence off a plot of level land.

The farmer is not concerned about the shape of the plot but it must have a perimeter of 1000 metres. This means that the plot could be:

Or any other shape with a perimeter (or circumference) of 1000 metres.

The farmer wishes to fence off the plot of land, which contains the maximum area.

My task is to investigate the shape, or shapes, that could be used to fence in the maximum area using exactly 1000 metres of fencing each time.

To do this experiment to a decent standard I must investigate as many different shapes as possible. From a Triangle to a Circle. I will am going to attempt to collect data from all these shapes so that I can come to a solution for the farmers problem also using all these shapes will help me come to a proof which will prove to the farmer why the shape or shapes that I have said to have the biggest area are the biggest area.

When starting to take data I will first collect data from rectangles because this is the easiest area to work out (length*width). It is also easy because when the width is a certain number (n) the length has to be (500-n) because the perimeter can never change. That is why a formula for a rectangle is easy to work out. My range of data will be from 10m-490m.

After this I will collect data on triangles because this is the next easiest area to work out (1/2*Base*Height). There are many problems, which I can come across when collecting data. I will only Isosceles triangles because scalene triangles have more than one variable, which means there will be countless combinations. By only using Isosceles I will always be able to work out the other two lengths because I will always have the base and the two sides are equal.

For instance:

Base = 200               Total of other two lengths = 1000-200 = 800

                                 One of the lengths = 800/2 = 400

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From this I can easily work out the height of the triangle by using Pythagoras’s theorem because when splitting a isosceles triangle in two. The halves are always right angle triangles (see below).

To work out the height I will use the equation below:

Height2 = slant height2 – (base2/2)  

I will use this equation to work out the height of the triangle with a base of 200m.

Height2 = 4002 – (2002/2)

             = 140,000

To get just height I ...

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