Explore how Gilman presents the search for identity in The Yellow Wallpaper

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Explore how Gilman presents the search for identity in The Yellow Wallpaper

        As is clear in the text, Gilman writes the book from a similar prespective as the narrator. Living in the late 17th and early 18th centuary america Gilman would have experinced similar opression as is eveident in the text, not neccessarily first hand that is. The issue of feminism is central to the identity that Gilman tries to initiate, somewhat ambigously. One thing that is clear is that the identity of the narrotor is certainly opressed, due top the control of John, her husband she is not aloud to express herself turely in either a social or a literary context, therefore masking her true character and identity, although the reader is subject to a better insight as the text is written from her veiw point. This gives the text a certain air of intimacy, as though it were written as a diary. Indeed in many ways it was, written in secret as an outlet and record of the oppressed life she was leading. Due to the nature of the narratibne the audience’s role is also ambigous. Wether the book was intended as a means of one to one communtication or as a message to a certain group or collection of individuals is unclear. As the text appears in the form of a novel it should be assumed that it was intented as a means of one to one communication. Therefore, having estrablished this, it enforces the idea that the experince of the book, for it’s reader is very severe. The position in which the reader is held is a very stressfull one, they are pulled into the desperately down trodded life of the narrator and it seems that they are responsible for the answer’s, why else would the narrator speak so severly of her expericnce, if not to search for answers, in this sense the identity of the reader themselves is put into question. Overall identity in the text is a sensitive issue, personal identity of the narrator is one of the most intensely oppressed issues and the peronal identity of John, the narrator’s oppressive spouse is also not completely clear.

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        Interms of the feminism in the novel it is clear that it is driven by Gilman’s own experince as an active feminist writer, her other titles including:

Women and Economics

Man-Made World


Making the theme of her work overwhelmingly obvious. The Yellow Wallpaper is not quite as actively feminist as to create the mental images that the titles above are able to do. The Yellow Wallpaper is feminist by interpreation. If the book were written by a man it would seem nothing more than the account of the terrible treatment of a woman. However, as the book is written is by ...

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