How far are the media consumption habits of 16-18 year old media students similar?

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How far are the media consumption
habits of 16-18 year old
media students similar?

Media consumption habits are different for everybody; some people may consume visual information rather than audio information.

10 people were questioned about their Media Consumption Habits (MCH); the following data has been collected.

The first set of questions were asked about the groups Newspaper MCH.

Which daily newspapers (if any) do they read?

The Daily Mirror = Four (4) People
The Sun = Five (5) People
Daily Mail = One (1) Person

What section of the newspaper do they turn to first, and why?
Front to back because its easier = Five (5) People
Sport sections to see score results and football news = Three (3) People
Problem pages because of human interest = One (1) Person

What section do they never read and why?
Sport, not interested = Three (3) People

Politics, boring = Six (6) People

Horoscopes, not true/ waste of sporting news = One (1) Person

What kind of stories do they usually read and why?

Comic Strips, amusing = Three (3) People
Sport, catch on football news = Four (4) People
Entertainment News, find out about celebrities = One (1) Person

Crime Stories, Human Interest = One (1) Person

Do they, or someone else, buy the newspaper they read?

Yes = Two (2) People
No, Parents = Six (6) People
No, Friends = Two (2) People

From the gathering evidence there is not a lot of correlation between the MCH of 16 –18 year old media studies students.  At the moment they are quite different.

How far are the media consumption
habits of 16-18 year old
media students similar?

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The Second set of questions were asked about the groups Television MCH.

Approximately how many hours a week do they spend watching television?

1 – 5 = Two (2) People

6 - 10 = Six (6) People

11 – 15 = Two (2) People

What times of day do they usually watch television?

Afternoon = One (1) Person
Primetime = Three (3) People
Evening = Six (6) People

What programmes do they like best and why?
Comedy, makes me happy/ feel good = Four (4) People

Soaps, Human Interest = Three (3) People

Films, better than ...

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