Impact media has on sport

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Chris Slade

Impact media has on sport

The sporting press has long been an important aspect of Britain’s sports culture. Football ‘pinks’ and ‘greens’ have been with us for a century; in the 1930s one page in six of the Sunday papers was devoted to sport; in 1955 an astonishing 46% of the Daily Mirror was given over to it; in the mid-eighties an average of 18% of tabloid newspaper space was dedicated to sport; yet today all the quality newspapers have separate sports sections on Sundays and, in some cases, on Mondays. In fact the British public has been surprisingly constant in its reading of the sports pages, given the strength of the competition from other media.

From the mid nineteen-fifties, televised sport became an increasingly important part of the sports fan’s diet, and it offered something that the newspapers could not - live action and immediate results. Television, in effect, turned sport into a mass-audience spectacle to an extent previously unknown. More recently, the increased sports coverage on radio - BBC’s Radio 5 is very sports oriented - and the advent of first, teletext and then satellite and cable television channels have further challenged the relevance of the back pages of the morning paper. Yet these sports pages continue to hold their fascination for millions of Britons, despite everything the other media can do to displace them: indeed, the market for specialist sports magazines has never been healthier.

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What is it then that enables the newspaper to hold its audience in a field where, after all, it is results that matter, and the results are already yesterday’s news by the time they appear on the breakfast table?

The simple answer is that the newspapers have changed their focus. The match reports and the results are still there, and we read them even if we know the scores - the reports give us, perhaps, a different perspective on the game, and the results include statistics, such as crowd figures, winning (or losing) sequences and top-scorers tables, which may ...

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