In the film Remember the Titans by Boaz Yakin, there are a number of scenes that the director uses to relate to the overall message of the film

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Describe an important scene from the film and explain why this scene is important to the context of the film

In the film “ Remember the Titans” by Boaz Yakin, there are a number of scenes that the director uses to relate to the overall message of the film. One such scene “ leave no doubt” has a very important part to play in shaping the film’s context as it puts across the idea of commitment to the team by the players to be successful.

In the scene “leave no doubt”, it expresses an important idea of “choosing right over wrong”. In this scene Coach Yoast’s loyalty to the team is tested. This needed to be more clearly developed. He was involved in a scheme to try get rid of Coach Boon and in return he would get a spot in the Virginia hall of fame. At first dedicated to this, his mind changed when there was a close up on Shyrel, the coach’s daughter, then a wide shot on the hall of fame menthere Yoast realised his mistake. By doing what was right, Yoast proved his loyalty to the team and also to his football addicted daughter Shyrel. This relates to the context of the film by being united?????

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The scene also puts across the idea of “dedication to the team”. This meant that all the players had to try their hardest to work together in unity and do the best for the team to be successful. In this scene, one of the players Petey shows insufficient commitment to the game compared to the other players. This causes conflict with Coach Yoast when he is giving firm instructions to the players but Petey kept making excuses for poor performance. When Coach Yoast said, “ I don’t want any excuses”, there is a tracking shot of Petey breaking down, ...

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