How Much Does Smoking Affect The Fitness Of A 16 Year Old?

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How Much Does Smoking Affect The Fitness Of A 16 Year Old?

To see how much smoking affects the fitness of 16 year olds we decided to test four people (two being smokers; two not) on their fitness by testing their heart rate after a given period of time of vigorous exercise.  The exercise we chose for the ‘guinea-pigs’ was skipping.  We were to test their heart rate as a control (before exercise) then they were to skip for two minutes, we test their heart rate again, then they skipped for another minute.  Finally, we tested their heart rate after this skip, and also after a rest of five minutes.  Then we re-tested their fitness with a repeat of the first test.

We had to be careful that the experiment would not be too strenuous for anyone, we didn’t want to cause pain or death to somebody whilst we were testing them.

We chose our ‘guinea-pigs’ carefully, as they had to have smoked roughly the same amount of tobacco and at roughly the same rate to make the test fair.  Our first smoker had last smoked three hours previously, had been smoking for three years, and has approximately 100 cigarettes per week.  Surely this person would be less fit than someone who has never smoked tobacco in their life.  We tried our best to match the age and size of our testers closely as this may alter our results, but obviously this wasn’t too easy, we did, however, manage to use people who had less than three months’ age difference.

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We were sensible with the time constraints, if we had had half an hour’s worth of exercise, we would have found it difficult to let the athlete recover within our hour time slot.

Before carrying out our tests, we researched the idea of smoking and what affects the tobacco, tar, and other ingredients have on the human body.  For example, is there a limit that people can smoke before the affects become noticeable?  We found one piece of evidence that helped us a lot in drawing our final conclusion: smoking makes your heart beat faster so even before exercise a ...

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