
How fit I am?

My name is Thariq and I am 15 years old. I don’t think I am really that fit for my age, even though I can jog about 800metres. I really can’t play a 90 minute football match. From the 70th minute I feel so much of pain and my chest starts hurting. Its due to excess amount of lactic acid has been created to follow out my exercise, which ends up in pain. I lift weights which weighs about 50lbs. I can also do up to 22 press ups and about 10 pull ups. I do some stretches and I also do some sit ups.

Have I had/ do I have any injuries?

I do not have any injuries now. I never got a bad injury, like a fracture of the bone. But I get some strain/ muscle pull after or sometimes during a football match. I think it’s because I don’t warm up before the match. I think it would be better to warm up before a match.

How much physical activity I carry out in a week?

Firstly, early in the morning when I get out of bed, make my bed and hover my room. I mostly walk to school, but sometimes out of laziness catch the bus. Well, my school is quite far from my house, so cant really blame myself for being lazy. I then come back home and help my mum wash the dishes. I go and play football with my cousins for about half an hour. This is my monotonous daily routine.

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I play football and I want to improve my fitness in football. I want to improve my skills by doing some skill drills in my circuit training. I will also improve my strength in my legs my doing some weight training, by doing so, my shot power will be better. I will have to improve my stamina so that I can play a 90 minute match without really getting tired.

Components of fitness for football

  1. Stamina/ Endurance- I will need a lot of stamina ...

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