Simon Broadhurst

Sport Science Health Related Exercise/Training Programme

The Sport I have chosen to base my sport science coursework on is Volleyball. There are many fitness components relevant to this sport, I am going to state all of them and explain exactly what it is.

  • Strength- Ability to bear weight.
  • Stamina- Ability to sustain activity; the extent to which the body can withstand the onset of fatigue and carry on working.
  • Suppleness- The range of movement in a joint.
  • Somatotype- The three types of body sizes you would be put into in sport- endomorphs (large size), mesomorphs (wide shouldered with lots of muscles) and ectomorphs (little muscle and fat, very slim)
  • Agility- The ability to change direction at speed
  • Speed- ability of the body or part of the body, to move quickly.
  • Reaction Time- The time taken for the body (or part of the body) to respond to a stimulus.
  • Co-ordination- The ability to use the senses together to control the body during physical activity.
  • Muscular Endurance- The ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired.
  • Explosive Strength- The ability to contract our muscles with speed and force in one explosive act.
  • Mobility- The range of limb movement about a joint.
  • Power- The ability to contract muscles with speed and strength in one explosive act; the combination of speed and strength.
  • Hand eye co-ordination- The ability to use the senses together to control the body during physical activity.
  • Static/Maximum Strength- The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.

I am now going to pick out two of these fitness components that I feel are most relevant to my chosen sport and give my reasons for why I think it.

Stamina – Because in volleyball you need to work hard for quite a long time, meaning you are using your aerobic system, this involves your heart pumping more blood around the body and your lungs holding a greater capacity of oxygen. Your heart and lungs also work together as your lungs take in oxygen which then diffuses into the blood stream, this travels around to the heart where the oxygenated blood is pumped around the body and to the working muscles, this allows the body to work aerobically for a longer period of time, meaning if I work on my stamina then I will be able to sustain the length of the volleyball match easily without tiring.

Muscular Endurance – Because in volleyball your voluntary muscles will need to last for a long time throughout the length of the volleyball match and work many times without tiring in the anaerobic activity. As with stamina the process is the same; the heart and lungs work in conjunction to supply oxygen to the working muscles and remove waste products, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid, to prevent lactic acid build up which leads to cramp and eventually would prevent further exercise.

The training programme I am going to design is for myself so I can improve the two fitness components I have picked out to raise these aspects of my game which will therefore improve my whole performance in my chosen sport. This is what I expect to achieve in the 6 weeks. I am 15 years old and an active person; I take part in two football teams who train once a week for 2 hours long and play matches once a week for 90 minutes and I am in the Park High volleyball team. I also take part in all three practical PE lessons which last for 50 minutes inside of school. I have quite a high fitness level and also have no medical conditions, therefore not affecting my participation and ability in sport.

My diet is rather varied and differs on a day to day basis. I try to eat my 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day and generally do eat health food.

There are many training methods possible for me to choose from relating to my chosen sport. These are:-

  • Circuit Training – Performing a series of exercises or activities in a special order or sequence
  • Interval Training – Using alternating periods of very hard exercise and rest to improve fitness
  • Fartlek – “Speed – Play” – a method of training in which the pace and training conditions are varied
  • Continuous Training – Working for sustained periods of time using all major muscle groups of the body
  • Altitude Training – Aerobic exercises at higher altitudes where oxygen levels are low
  • Weight Training – Using either free weight or weights in machines as a form of resistance training
  • Flexibility Training – Using a series of exercises to improve the range of movement at a joint
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From these training methods the two I am going to use are continuous and circuit training. I am now going to explain why I have chosen these particular two training methods.

Circuit Training

The reason that I have chosen Circuit Training is because, it is relevant to near enough all sports and you can design your own circuits to make sure you are not working on the same muscles at more than one station in one session, Also Circuit Training works in both the aerobic and anaerobic training zones and this is because there are many exercises ...

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