Capital punishment


I am going to write a detailed account that examines and investigates the trials of Jesus; I will be examining the events that took place between the time Jesus was arrested up till he was crucified.

 I will also be looking at the roles of certain people and how their actions influenced and affected the Course of Jesus’ life?



On the night Jesus was to be arrested he went to a place called the garden of Gethsemane where he was only accompanied by peter and the two sons of Zebedee (John and James). Both Matthew and Mark’s gospel mention this but Luke’s gospel gives a vague account saying “... and the disciples went with him”,

He neither names the disciples nor tells us how many of them there were.

The reason for Jesus going to Gethsemane was to pray as he himself had predicted that he would die for the sake of man and he wanted to prepare for this painful ordeal and wanted to be spiritually ready. Jesus says to the disciples that “ the sorrow in my heart is so great it almost crushes me. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Jesus continues a little farther on and threw himself face downwards on the ground and prays with these words, “my father if it is possible, take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but What you want.”

It is clear from the above quotes that Jesus though willing to die for the good of man but wishes there was an easier solution and Jesus shows this by firstly verbally telling his companions how he feels and then later on by expressing how he feels, when he throws himself face downwards it just reflects his sorrow and it shows Jesus is feeling low. Jesus feels intense emotion triggered by inner anger, When Jesus says “yet not what I want but what you want,” he is asking God not to let him suffer.

There is another reason Jesus has gone to Gethsemane in the middle of the night to pray with only a few disciples because Jesus already realises that he has to die and if the temple guards tried to arrest him in broad daylight then they wouldn’t be taken to very kindly by Jesus’ supporters and they would protest and wouldn’t allow this to happen. So both Jesus and he’s enemies realise this, that is why his enemies are not forcing the situation and biding their time but as Jesus has to carry out God’s will he decides to give them the opportunity so he may be seized and arrested successfully.

A while later Judas who used to be a disciple of Jesus but betrayed him for thirty silver pieces came to the garden with a large crowd of men who were armed with clubs and swords. The place was dark so Judas had to identify Jesus by kissing him; this was so that Jesus didn’t get away and so that they arrested the right man.  Judas went straight to Judas and said “peace be with you teacher” and kissed him. Jesus answered “be quick about it, friend!”

 When the people tried to arrest Jesus one of the disciples cut off the high priests slave ear, Jesus admonished him for that, both Mark and Matthew are in agreement over this but Luke’s gospel goes on to say that Jesus said “enough of this” and healed the man’s ear by touching it. Jesus even in this moment of personal crisis, showed compassion and healed him.

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   Judas Iscariot had gone to the chief priests and asked “what will you give me if I betray Jesus to you? They gave him 30 silver pieces.

The reasons why Judas had betrayed Jesus could be that basically he was evil and greedy and when he realised that He could make money out the arrest of Jesus that he decided to exploit his closeness with Jesus in order to have him successfully arrested. Though I myself doubt that because when He realised that Jesus had been condemned to death he gave the money back and took his own ...

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