Christian attitudes towards Abortion and Euthanasia.

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A.M.D.G        Aaron Mcloughlin                     07/05/07

Christian attitudes towards Abortion and Euthanasia

An Abortion is the termination (ending) of a pregnancy before birth, either by natural or artificial means. An abortion is the premature expulsion from the body of an embryo or foetus. Abortions became legal in 1967.

Respect for life is deeply embedded in the mind and heart of the human race. Since the twentieth century, people have been especially aware of the right to life. As there is no direct reference to abortion in the Bible, we must rely on the churches teaching to know our Christian position.

The church teaches that in all circumstances, abortion is wrong. The only situations were abortion is allowed by the church is when the intention is not to kill. These are situations when an operation to save a women’s life from (e.g. cancer) where the womb has to be removed which will also result in abortion.

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The church says:

The first right of the human being is his life

 Many have different opinions on when actually the unborn child becomes alive and intituled to the right to life. The Declaration says:

“From the time that the ovum is fertilised, a life is begun which is neither that of the farther nor of the mother. It is rather the life of a new human being with its own growth. It would never be made human if it were not human already.”

So this would mean that having an abortion at any stage from the ...

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