R.S course work 2001


  1. Throughout the bible there are instances where Jesus performed healing miracles, and when he performs these miracles he is not prejudiced against anybody so he is not racist. I think that the bible teaches that racism is wrong for example in Luke 10 Jesus tells the parable of the good Samaritan, this story tells of a man who was on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers who left him half dead. Soon a priest came by and saw the man, and walked by on the other side of the road. Also a Levite came along and just looked at the man and carried on. Then a Samaritan came along and “his heart filled with pity”, he took the man and saw to his wounds. He put the man on his animal and took him to nearby inn where he took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. “Take care of him,” he told the innkeeper and when I come back this way I will pay you whatever else you spend on him. I think this story means that that we as Christians should love all our neighbours and not be racist.

In Luke 9 it tells of when Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem he sent out his followers ahead to get everything ready for him, but when they arrived the Samaritans would not let them stay because they were on their way to Jerusalem. When John and James heard this they asked Jesus if they should call down fire from heaven to destroy them, but Jesus said “No!” This shows that Jesus was completely against being racist.  

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Another time Paul was telling vast crowds about ‘God’ and how god was to be worshiped he said, “From one man he created all races of mankind and made them live throughout the whole earth.” This means that god created us from the same thing and that we are all alike, so we must not be prejudiced against those who are a different race.

In the book of Luke in chapter 17 it tells of how Jesus was on the border between Samaria and Galilee when ten men approached him with a “dreaded skin disease” at this time in it ...

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