Explain Biblical and Church Teachings, which might be used in a discussion about abortion?

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  1. What is meant by the term “abortion”?

In the dictionary, abortion is defined as a termination of pregnancy, which means expulsion of a foetus or an expulsion of an embryo that is incapable of survival.  It also says that it is a “cessation” of normal growth, especially of an organ or other body part, prior to full development or maturation.  Some people regard abortion as murder and others regard abortion as a natural operation performed on mothers who do not want a baby for particular reasons such as financial problems or in more serious cases, forms of abuse like rape.

  For many centuries, it was considered a serious crime to destroy a child in the mother’s womb but in 1967, Parliament passed a law permitting abortion to be performed by qualified doctors in hospital if the continuation of the pregnancy would be a great risk because of the mother’s physical/mental health was in danger or if the baby is so abnormal, it would not survive a chance.  This was called the “1990 Abortion Act” which could enable mother’s to have an abortion if they needed it.

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  1. Explain Biblical and Church Teachings, which might be used in a discussion about abortion?

There are various Church and Biblical teachings, which are often used in a discussion.  All the separate groups have different views and ways to express their opinion in this topic.  The LIFE Campaigns state that human life begins at conception and since all human life begins at conception, all human life should be equally protected; they think abortion is always wrong, no matter what the circumstance is.   “You are God’s temple and God’s spirit lives in you!  If anyone destroys God’s ...

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