Explain how Christians might put their beliefs into action

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Explain how Christians might put their beliefs into action

Many Christians put what they are taught from the teachings of denomination into practice by using aggressive actions against others. Such as in the case of the Catholic country of Ireland, pro-choice lobbies protest and revolt to the government to get law changes to legalize abortion. This is the case in many other countries that are split over the laws of abortion. Eire is not the only country that has revolting lobbies, the united states of America have the same situation; apart from in the USA the majority of the aggressive actions action towards the government officials are put into practice by the members of pro-life lobbies. The members of the pro-life lobbies revolt to the government officials because they are trying to achieve the final goal of tighter laws on abortion. In America supporters of pro-life lobbies are even prepared to resort to terrorist attacks towards the abortion clinics to stop, what they think is, the wrongful butchery of a baby. Whereas some people just put their ideas forward in public meetings, which are quite commonly held in the USA. Some meetings are held on talk line numbers that are universally displayed on the websites of named organisations such as S.P.U.C and L.I.F.E.
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Numerous amounts of people who believe that antagonistic action should not be used in order to put ones point of view forward use passive actions. Many of the people put their ideas into action in a passive way and join organisations, which are dedicated to either pro-life or pro-choice ideas. These organisations contain groups such as S.P.U.C, L.I.F.E and liberty for women. These officialdoms may hold public meeting or they might right petitions to the officials of government, the aim of this also to change the laws of abortion. These petitions written by the organisations may reflect on ...

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