Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action?

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Francesca Weaver  11D

B. Explain how Christina might put their beliefs about abortion into action?

        Absolute Christian’s beliefs are very different to relative Christians. Absolute Christians believe that abortion is wrong in any circumstance. They feel that any problems that the mother has about having her baby can be helped and abortion is not the answer. Relative Christians on the other hand believe abortion can be justified in some circumstances like if the mother has been raped and the mother could not face bringing up her rapist child. Or if the mother was a single parent and already had four other children to support and could not support another child abortion can be the answer.

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        Absolute Christians and Relative Christians both put their beliefs about abortion into practice in similar ways and different ways.  Absolute Christians would protest about their beliefs they would show pictures of a fetus that has been aborted to show what you are actually aborting. They would make sure the mother knew about support centers and online help such as care confidential which offer links to local agencies in your area if you do not have contact with any, and free access to online advisors that can help her and help her through her pregnancy. They would also make sure ...

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