How did the coming of the Romans affect the religious practices of the Celts in Britain?

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How did the coming of the Romans affect the religious practices of the Celts in Britain?

What did the Celts do when Romans took over how did their religion change and why? What were the Celts like before?

Celtic religion

Celtic belief was centred on a “god great”, the highest being, and lots of other gods and goddess of a lesser status. The spirit world existed side by side with the mortal world. Gods and goddesses, even mortals were able to move between the two worlds when ever they wanted. These belief would make the later Celts interested in Christianity, which believes that the son of God took human form and after enormous  amount of suffering at the Crucifixion, rose again and returned to his father’s home. Many miraculous accomplishments were recounted in the Celtic myth and legend.

The Celtic view of the otherworld is outlined in the tale “Echtrae Conli” and Irish King Cormac alone on the ramparts of Tara, see a stranger approach, finely dressed and with the bearing of a warrior. Cormac asks the stranger

“From whence do you come?” he relies “from a land where there id only truth, and there id no old age, nor decay, nor sadness, nor envy, nor hatred, nor arrogance,”

The Celts did not build stone shrines, accepts for the unusual examples in province, France.some temples may have been wooden built.

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Belenus and Epona, the horse-goddesses the only Celtic goddesses to be honoured in Rome.

Samhain (Gaelic, Samhainn) marked the beginning of October 31st (later known as Halloween, the vigil of all Hallows).at Sanhain, the two worlds are torn aside: the earth opens, spirits were able to roam the land, and dead warriors came back to life. Gods and demons walked the dark places. The air was filled with cries of torment. Fires were lit on hill tops to guide returning warriors, local legend tell that a stone-age horseman rides the road near an ancient burial mound. ...

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