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Jesus performed many miracles, each one different. Most of them fit into one of four categories and are described in the gospels. They are: physical healing miracles, resurrection miracles (bringing the dead back to life), exorcism miracles (casting out the devil) and natural miracles (e.g. calming a storm). Every miracle has a meaning and a reason and they are done through the power of God.

When Jesus spoke in the synagogue at Nazareth, he said things like: the poor would hear good news, people in prison would be set free, the blind would see, the oppressed would no longer have to suffer and God was about to save his people (Luke 4: 16-20).

Physical healing Miracles

Luke’s gospel tells us that Jesus healed the sick, including blindness deafness and dumbness. Some examples of this are when Jesus healed a roman officer’s servant (Luke 7:1-10), the healing of Simons mother-in-law from a fever (Luke 4: 30-40), the man with a skin disease (Luke 5: 12-15) and the man with the paralysed hand (Luke 6:6-11)

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Jesus performing these healing miracles shows the love of God reaching out to people who were suffering. This also shows God’s love for gentiles and not just for Jews as Jesus healed many people of different religions like the roman officers servant.

When Jesus heals the paralysed man (Luke 5:18-25), he is not just healing him physically, but it is a healing of his relationship with God. It brought him into Gods kingdom.

Resurrection Miracles

When Jesus raised people from the dead, he showed that the power of God was stronger than death and nothing could ...

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