1 Christians believe that wealth is something that can be for good or for evil. Which does not mean that wealth is a bad thing. Christians can only gain wealth, if it is in a lawful and moral way. Money does not actually belong to a person; it is considered a gift from God.

“ True happiness is not found in riches or well-being,

In human fame or power, or in any human achievement”


Many Bible teachings say that wealth can lead you away from God, when you have the wrong attitude to money. Jesus told a parable about the end of the world, when everyone would come before him and they would be judged. He said that people would be separated into good and bad. Jesus said that the good would go to heaven. Jesus said ‘When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When I was naked, you gave me clothes. When I was sick or in prison, you visited me.’ The bad people were going to be sent to hell. This is because they never helped anyone in need. When they asked Jesus when the had not done this, Jesus told them ‘When you did not do it for other people, you did no do it for me’

So in order to go to heaven, Christians believe they must share their wealth with the poor:

“God blesses those who come to the aid of the poor and rebukes those

who turn away from them… Love for the poor is incompatible with

immoderate use of riches or their selfish use.”


Islam teaches that wealth is something given by God for the benefit of humanity. But because it is given as a gift, people must share it with others. God commands sharing wealth with other people in the religious pillar of Zakah. Muslims pay Zakah annually on the basis of tow and a half percent of all their income and savings. If Muslims have any spare cash, they give it to Sadaqah a voluntary charity. Muslims are encouraged to give interest free loans to the poor. If it is difficult for the poor to repay, Muslims are told to change the loan to a gift.

“ If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time to repay. But if ye remit

it by way of charity, that is best for you if ye only knew.”

SURAH 2:280

Muslims help people in Great Britain through the Zakah of the mosque. Others send their charity to help the poor in impoverished countries, often a mosque in Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Gujarat will send to a British mosque asking for money to help with things like wells and medical work.

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“ those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord.”

SURAH 2:274

A) 2.

All around the world, there are millions of people living in poverty. Many people do not have any shelter, or any food to eat. We need world development so that we can stop this. The First World countries, need to help the less developed countries, by giving them supplies so that they can survive themselves. After wars hit an less developed country, if we do not help them ...

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