
Prejudice and Discrimination


Skill AO2 – Lifestyles

Prejudice occurs when you think badly about others just because of their looks, race, religion, gender or disabilities without actually getting to know them. This is almost natural as we’ve all at some point in our lives displayed this type of attitude towards certain groups of people, but if you take your beliefs too far, it will lead to Discrimination. Discrimination is when one group is treated differently because of prejudice, causing them to suffer. Normally, this results in the destruction of property, violence and even murder. In this article I will be explain what we, as Christians, can do to prevent it.

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Now, to prevent prejudice, you must start by dealing with your own prejudice and setting a good example to others. You must learn to abide by that most challenging command of Christ to his followers:

“Love one another as I have loved you”

Try to have a wide variety of friends, from all races and religions – this will show others that you are not prejudice. Don’t ever accept racism or racist jokes and stand up for those who are suffering from prejudice. When you have dealt with your own prejudice, encourage others to do the same.

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