Racism.For a long time now, racism and sources of conflict between subcultures and other groups have been a part of British society. Such examples could include beliefs that the Irish were inferior, or that black coloured skin was a symbol of the devil.

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        For a long time now, racism and sources of conflict between subcultures and other groups have been a part of British society. Such examples could include beliefs that the Irish were inferior, or that black coloured skin was a symbol of the devil.  Black people in British society have endured various forms of discrimination because of the colour of their skin. An example of many recent reports include that of the ‘Stephen Lawrence case’, of which the police dismissed a racially motivated fatal attack on a black boy, as they stereotyped the victim until it was to late to reveal the true story of what happened.  Racism has resulted in many fatal outcomes, including homicides and suicides. In fact, racial attacks happen every day in our society. Mainly stimulated by fear of the unknown, ignorance or intolerance, racism can also be a result of bad experiences or simple jokes. There have been criticisms that people in all positions in society are racist, deeply affecting life chances of such victims of society.

The level of discrimination is one of the main reasons why ethnicity is seen as such a key source as unequal divisions in our society. Ideas about a person’s skin colour have strongly influenced how a person would be treated in past societies, and ideologies about how things belong in a society have caused great concern for inequality and discrimination.  Other incidents include the holocaust of the Jews under Nazi powers, or the foundations of racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, which have been based all over the world. Weberian John Rex Defines racism as “deterministic belief systems between the various ethnic groups, segments or strata.”

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Ethnicity is obviously used as a form of differentiation, but what started this ideology, often of inferiority, and why do a minority still live by such ideologies today?

        The word ‘race’ was not even evident in English until 1508, when it appeared in a poem by a Scotsman. At that time, any teachings about ‘race’ would have been from the bible. In biblical terms though, there would have been only one human race, as we are all supposed to be descendants from Adam and Eve. Gradually as time went on, the word ‘race’ became more known and used, but ...

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