Racism is very apparent in society today, but there are many teachings in the Bible which suggest that this is very wrong, and should not be happening.

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a) Racism is very apparent in society today, but there are many teachings in the Bible which suggest that this is very wrong, and should not be happening.   The Bible is the inspired word of God, and from the Bible we can see that God showed agape love to all of his followers, no matter what race.  This is shown in (Acts 10:34) ‘it is true that God treats everyone on the same basis….no matter what race they belong to’.   Jesus taught that God’s kingdom was open to everybody, it did not matter what race or religion they were.  What mattered was how you responded to Jesus’ invitation to God’s kingdom.  God loved every human being and the Earth as a whole so much that he put his only son on it, ‘God loved the world that he gave his only son that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life’ (John 3:16).  Also he would make sure that everyone who believed in him would live for eternity.  
        God loved everyone and you should return this love to God by following his teachings in the Bible.  This is shown in (Matthew 25:31-45) ‘What you do unto the least of my people you do unto me’.   This tells people that if they do something to hurt their neighbour, then they are also hurting God.  In the issue of racism there are many teachings which must be followed by all Christians.  One important one is: ‘love thy neighbour’.  Everyone is our neighbour and we should show love towards them.  If we show love to our neighbours we are showing our love to God too.  It should not matter whether they return the respect or show the same feelings, because in the Bible it also says that you should ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44).  Another teaching which shows that it is important to love your neighbour is ‘Always treat others as you would like them to treat you’.  This is from (Matthew 7:12), this could be classed as the ‘golden rule’ because it is a teaching which makes people realise why it is so important to treat others well.
        We should not be racist to people of a different race because we are all of the same race really.  We are all from the same family, because we were created by Adam and Eve – ‘From one human being he created all races’ (Acts 17:26).  This means that we are all the children of God.  This is explained in (Galatians 3:26-28), ‘We are all God’s children, we are all from the same family’.  Obviously our race would not matter to God, so it shouldn’t matter to each other.  God was obviously not racist.  One way of seeing this is looking at the fact that he made ‘man’.  He did not make ‘white man’ and then ‘black man’, but he created them all together, at the same time.  In the Bible it never once mentions that any race is superior to any others.  If God is not racist we should not be either, because we were all created in the image of God.
        In the Bible there are a lot of teachings which refer to how to treat foreigners.  One of these is, ‘Do not ill-treat foreigners who are living in your land.  Treat them as you would a fellow-Israelite, and love them as you love yourselves.’ (Leviticus 19:33-34).  This teaching was originally said to the Israelites, but Christians can apply the teaching to racism.  It tells them that they should treat foreigners with the same respect as they do to other people around them.  God loved all people, even foreigners, he treated them all the same and saw them all as equal people, ‘the same rules are binding on you and the foreigners among you.  You and they are alike in the lords sight’ (Numbers 15:15).  Everyone must follow the rules and teachings which God set, there are no exceptions for foreigners.  It is important that foreigners are treated no differently to everyone else, ‘Do not deprive foreigners of their rights….Remember that you were once foreigners in Egypt’ (Deuteronomy 24:17).  The Israelites were in Egypt as slaves, and when they were there, they were foreigners, and they would have wanted to be treated equally.  These teachings show us that racism was not acceptable then and shouldn’t be now.

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b) The quote taken from the “enemy with in” is a very narrow minded view on how white people are supposed to perceive the black race. It gives the impression that the writer believes that he and all black people are regarded as sub-human, with no compassion or regard for each other or anyone else.  That of course is not the case as can be demonstrated by people like Nelson Mandela, who healed Africa’s troubled world, and Kofi Annan, who heads the world peace organisation, and has worked hard to change peoples views against racism.  They are both Christian ...

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