Since the birth of man until today, there had been many arguments about truth and it will continue existing after today. Some people said that truth is odd, some said that everyone has their own truth.

People often say things like:

* "Who's to say what's true? Everyone has different experiences; you might even say everyone has a different reality. So what's true is just a matter of opinion."

* "Who's to say what's moral or immoral? Everybody has different views (or feelings) about right and wrong; so ethics is just a matter of opinion (or feeling). It's up to the individual or the culture to decide."

These positions, and others like them, are forms of relativism. "Relativism is the view that judgments about truth and falsity, good and bad, are relative to the individual person or culture."
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This definition is correct provided that the subjects are JUDGEMENTS and/or ETHICS, because judgement is the opinion of someone about something. We cannot expect everyone to like skating, can we? For me skating might be extremely enjoyable, but others may find it unnecessary. We cannot deny the fact that skating cannot be done without a pair of skates, but can find it thrilling or boring. Who can see a definition like this in the dictionary: "Skating is an extremely enjoyable sport which is done by only teenagers." Another area where the thought of relativism is right is morality ...

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