Why is racism such a common problem to society in the 21st century?

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Why is racism such a common problem to society in the 21st century?

Racism has been a problem since the very first day that two men of different Races met.  Racism is defined as the belief in the  superiority of one Race over all others.  Often racism is a  belief that one type of person has got better physical attributes,  or is more intelligent.  This belief can have an enormous  affect  over the way that one group of people treats another.  In retrospect all racism entails is the idea that because of someone’s skin colour or religion they are an in-superior race. 

Racism is a blatant form of prejudice.  People who are prejudice are people who have strong feelings against certain types of people before they  have even met them.  Prejudice means ‘pre-judgement’  and society proves that  people will judge somebody sooner than  they would get to know them. 

Regularly individual people  are very friendly, but because of there actions  throughout history  or their rivalling religious beliefs people often see them as  being  a possible threat and treat every person of that race as if they  were the  same.  This is called stereotyping.  Stereotyping is  when all people of a  certain type are thought to share the same  characteristics.  Often stereotypes  are used as forms of racial  abuse and horrible jokes. 

The  first black people to be brought to Britain where slaves.  The  so-called  ‘Slave race’ were taken from their home countries  and taken to Britain and  America.  Although Slave trading was  mostly common in America British people  were just as responsible.   The African slaves were often prisoners in their  village and tribe  leaders would trade them for material goods, such as pots and  pans  or clothes.  Then the slaves would be promised the chance of a  new life and  promised that they would become ‘good people’  and Christians. 

Many people  who are against ‘African-Americans’ claim that by coming to  this  country they were offered the chance to be reformed and made into respectable members of society.  Unfortunately this never  happened, throughout their  horrendous journey across the Pacific  Ocean, many potential slaves died due to  the awful living conditions.   The African slaves were chained down onto the  cargo decks of  ships and forced to toilet in the same place and sit, or lye in  a  very small shape or they would be sitting on top of another  potential slave.   Often throughout the journey slaves would get  sick and die of terrible  illnesses, or sometimes they wouldn’t  be fed for days and many died of  starvation.  For the ones who  did survive the journey and made it to be sold on  the slave market,  rather than being made into American people they were treated  like  animals.  They had to do every task that slave owners were too  proud to do  themselves, often they would have very little clothes  and not many places to  bathe.  Slaves were made to sleep in barns  among the animals they were made to  clean up after and would be  laughed at and constantly miss-treated by their  buyer.   People in Britain often get  angry about the amount of immigrants that flee to  our country.   Whites who are against the immigrants usually claim that they are  taking jobs from them.  These people are the ones who either  does not know why  Britain has so many immigrants or they just  simply failed History.  After World  War 2 when Britain had the  dreadful task of trying to rebuild what had been lost  in the consequential  devastation they started to run public transport again.   However  the Britons who had fought in the war didn’t want low paying jobs  like  running a bus and making sure the trains are on time, they  felt that they  deserved something better.  To combat this problem  Britain invited huge amount  of West Indian people to Britain in  order for them to take the unwanted jobs.   The West

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Why is racism such a common problem to society in the 21st century?

Indians were  grateful for the opportunity to work and many of them came  and  accepted jobs on trains and in busses.  At the time people of Britain  welcomed the immigrants from the various parts of the British  Empire and they  were glad to see that the people who helped them  fight with Germany were being  rewarded in a way that pleased the  immigrants and was convenient to British  people.  People in Britain  started to develop a problem with the immigrants once  they began  to set up ...

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