A Plan of an Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on the Volume of Dye Collected from Beetroot.

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A Plan of an Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on the Volume of Dye Collected from Beetroot

Aim: -     To find out how different temperatures affect the amount of dye diffused from beetroot, using a colorimeter to show the results.

The variables that I will be controlling, measuring and varying within this experiment:

Volume of distilled water used; if more distilled water were to be used in some boiling tubes, the solution that was then obtained at the end would be more dilute and so would allow a higher percentage of light through. However, if less distilled water were to be used in some boiling tubes, then the solution that was obtained would be more concentrated and so would allow a lower percentage of light to pass through.

The percentage of light that is able to pass through the solution of distilled water and pigment, which has leaked out of the beetroot samples.

The length/width of the beetroot samples. It would be impossible for me to get all of the samples to all be 100% the same in size, mass and shape. However, I can make them as similar to each other in size as possible. This is done by using the cork borer (so all samples should have the same diameter), the knife and ruler help in keeping them the same length. If the width/length of the samples differed, then those that were longer and wider would have a greater surface area and more pigment within them that could leak out. Those that are shorter and smaller in width would have less pigment and a smaller surface area and so less pigment would leak out of them.

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The time that the beetroot are left in the distilled water for. If some beetroot are left in longer than others then the pigment within those samples will have had more time in which to leak out of the cells, and so the percentage of light that is able to pass through these samples will be less than it should be. However, if some have been left in for a shorter period of time than others, the pigment within them will have had less time in which to leak out and so the percentage of light that will be able ...

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