An investigation to see how much oxygen was produced in the reaction between Hydrogen Peroxide and catalyse

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An investigation to see how much oxygen was produced in the reaction between Hydrogen Peroxide and catalyse.


   To investigate the amount of oxygen given off when 100ml of Hydrogen Peroxide is added to two pieces of potato (each 2cm in length). An enzyme (PH7 on the PH scale) breaks down a substrate. The substrate we are using is hydrogen peroxide solution and the enzyme is catalysing (potato). Catalyse breaks down the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen; H202  02 + H20. I will take 5 readings and repeat them, by this I will hopefully see patterns and trends more clearly and compare and identify the results. I will also be using different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide to see what effect it has on this process.

Background information:

   An enzyme is a biological catalyst which speeds up reactions within all living things. Enzymes and substrate fit together like a lock and key. For every substrate there is a specific enzyme to break it down.  They form an active site where the reaction takes place.  Catalysts increase the rate of reactions without being used up in the reaction themselves.  When we analyse rates of reaction we can see that the amount of oxygen made increases as we add higher concentration.  However, eventually the rate of reaction will reach an optimum level.  The temperature and PH will also affect the enzyme.  37 degrees is the optimum level enzymes work as this is body temperature.  After this the enzymes start to denature, this is a permanent change and therefore it is irreversible.  The same applies to PH.  This I will investigate, but the main reason of my experiment is to focus on the concentration of substrate.  The substrate we are using is Hydrogen Peroxide and the enzyme is catalyse (potato).  The catalyse breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide into water and Oxygen.  2HO2 2h2O + O2.

I will be using different concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide to see the affect it has on this process.

  Equipment List:

  • 2 pieces of potato.
  • 5 different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Conical flask- to put hydrogen peroxide and potato into.
  • Bung- to trap the oxygen gas.
  • Measuring cylinder- to measure the amount of hydrogen peroxide and the oxygen given off (I must make sure I measure the bottom of the meniscus to keep the outcome accurate.
  • Delivery Tube-to let the oxygen gas pass through.
  • Stop clock- to time the 2mins in which the reaction takes place.
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  • Goggles- to protect your eyes from irritation.
  • Ice cream container-to hold the water.
  • Ruler- to measure the amount of potato.
  • Knife- to cut potato.
  • Potato borer- to cut through the potato ensuring that it is in a cylindrical shape.
  • White tile- to cut the potato on.

Fair Test:

   Dependant: To keep my experiment fair I must make sure that both two bits of potato are the same size (2cm long), have enough hydrogen peroxide to just cover the top of the potato completely; this would then ...

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