Changing the length of a wire and how it affects the resistanc - GCSE Coursework

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Physics Coursework – Changing the length of a wire and how it affects the resistance

Aim – I want to find out if the change in a length of wire affects the wires resistance and what type of wire gives the best results to work with.

Prediction – I predict that when the length increases, so will the resistance. I think this because the longer the wire, the more energy the electrons use up when they go around the circuit. Because the voltage will stay the same, more energy will have to be used up with an increased length.

I think this is what my graph will look like. The line of best fit will help me achieve this.

Scientific Knowledge –

What is resistance? –

An electric current flows when the electrons move through a wire. This wire is a conductor and contains atoms that the electrons can collide with. When the electrons collide with the conductor’s own particles resistance is created. Electrons collide with the atoms more in a long wire than a short wire because a short wire has fewer electrons and atoms to collide, so the longer the wire, the more resistance.

Resistance is measured in ohms, which are written like this: . You can calculate resistance using the following equation:

Preliminary Experiment - I have to do a preliminary test before my main test. This is because I can use my preliminary results to help me choose which wire will give me the bets results out of copper, iron and constantan.

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Variables and Fair Tests – I will take 3 results per length, i.e. 3 results for copper wire 0.2, 3 results for copper wire 0.4 etc, in all the different types of wire.

It is good to repeat each result 3 times because this means that if I have made a mistake I will notice it more easily.

During the experiment I will be changing the length of the wire and the type of wire, these are called variables.

Equipment List –

  • 10 wires
  • 2 crocodile clips
  • copper wire
  • iron wire
  • constantan wire
  • ...

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