Compare the rate of utilisation of food reserves during the germination of seeds of the two following species/types: Monocotyledons, and Dicotyledons.

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Biology Practical


        The aim of this practical experiment is to compare the rate of utilisation of food reserves during the germination of seeds of the two following species/types: Monocotyledons, and Dicotyledons.

Background Knowledge:

        Using the knowledge I have gained from my A-level and course, and from the various sources of information listed in my references page, I have found the following information on seed growth and germination:

There are two main types of seeds: Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon. They differ from each other as shown in the diagram below:

Germination is the onset of growth of the embryo in a seed, usually after a period of dormancy. Dormancy is the state where germination will not occur, even if the conditions are right.

Seeds undergo a number of stages during germination and various conditions have to be met for a seed to start its growth cycle:

The first stage of germination in water uptake: The seeds must have 40-60% moisture content for germination to occur.

The next stage is the Digestion and Translocation stage. The diagram below shows how the seed begins its growth cycle:

The barley seed shown is a typical monocot. It has a seed coat , a large endosperm area filled with starch, and an embryo. Barley lacks any special dormancy...germination is initiated by water and reasonably warm temperature. The seed takes up water from the environment in the process known as imbibition. The water passes through the embryo, picking up the germination signal: the hormone Gibberellic Acid. The water moves the hormone from the embryo to the aleurone layer of the endosperm. This layer of cells stores much protein. The water activates hydrolysis enzymes that degrade the storage protein into amino acids. The gibberellic acid activates the DNA gene coding for the enzyme amylase in the aleurone cells. Transcription in the nucleus and translation by ribosomes in the cytosol results in the production of amylase inside the aleurone cells. The amino acids from hydrolysis of storage protein are used in the translation of amylase. The amylase is shipped by ER into the Golgi, sorted and packaged into vesicles, and exported through the cell membrane by exocytosis. The amylase is then dumped into the endosperm interior. There the amylase catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into sugar. In this case the sugar is maltose, which is transported to the embryo. The sugar fuels respiration in the embryo so it can grow. The radicle protrudes from the seed coat, and germination is complete.

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A typical dicot follows near enough the same process. One difference I found was the fact that monocots store starch in endosperms, and only break it down, or use it, as they need it. In comparison to this dicots store starch in cotyledons, and the endosperm is reduced to a papery coating around the embryo.

How does amylase break down starch?

Amylase, like other enzymes, works as a catalyst, i.e. it is unchanged by the reaction, but makes the reaction easier by reducing the energy required for it to happen. Catalysts speed up the reaction. The theory behind the ...

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