Determination of the relative atomic mass of Lithium

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Shana Wheeler

Determination of the relative atomic mass of Lithium

The aim of this experiment is to determine the relative atomic mass of Lithium using two methods. The first method is to measure the volume of hydrogen gas produced when a known mass of lithium reacts with water. The second method is to titrate the solution of lithium hydroxide produced from the first method.

Below indicates an image in which shows the relative atomic mass of lithium. This image was taken from the website:

The information below is taken from the website . It states ‘Phenolphthalein is another commonly used indicator for titration’s, and is another weak acid. In this case, the weak acid is colourless and its ion is bright pink. Adding extra hydrogen ions shifts the position of equilibrium to the left, and turns the indicator colourless. Adding hydroxide ions removes the hydrogen ions from the equilibrium, which tips to the right to replace them - turning the indicator pink.

 The halfway stage happens at pH 9.3. Since a mixture of pink and colourless is simply a paler pink, this is difficult to detect with any accuracy!’

This explains about the use of the weak acid base phenolphthalein indicator.

Part 1

 Li (s)  +  H2O (l)                 LiOH (aq)  +        H (g)


Conical Flask



Weighing Scales

100 cm  Measuring Cylinder


Distilled Water


Standing Clamp




  1. Set up the apparatus accordingly (as shown below).  Use a standing clamp to hold the measuring cylinder upright.

  1. Ensure the 100 cm  measuring cylinder contains exactly 100 cm of distilled water.

  1. Cut a piece of Lithium using a knife and mat.

  1. Weigh the cutting of lithium ensuring it is clean and weighs approximately between 0.08g and 0.13g. Record the mass of lithium accurately and exact to 3 decimal places.
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  1. Remove the stopper from the conical flask, place the lithium in the conical flask and immediately replace the stopper to ensure no hydrogen gas escapes.

  1. Collect the hydrogen gas in the measuring cylinder and record the final volume.



1st Attempt -

   76 cm                    0.00317                                0.00317  X  2 =0.0063

24000 cm

 0.044                  6.98


2nd Attempt –

   78 cm                 0.00325                                0.00325  X  2 = 0.0065

24000 cm

 0.042                        6.462


Average Titre –

  77 ...

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