Does the length of the wire affect the resistance?

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Mahmoodul Shah                                                                         07/04/03

Does the length of the wire affect the resistance?

All electrical conductors resist the current through them to some extent. This property is called resistance (R) and it affects the size of the current flowing in a circuit. When the resistance is increased, the current will decrease. Resistance is measured in ohms. The formula to work out resistance is:


V = Voltage

I = Current


In this investigation I will be investigating the resistance of a 100 cm wire i.e. from 0-100 cm going up in tens. To achieve this task I will need the following equipment listed below:

  • Crocodile clips
  • Ammeter
  • Voltmeter
  • 2 constantan and 3 Nichrome wires
  • Battery back
  • A base where the wires will be placed upon to measure the resistance           wires

For accurate results I need to make the investigation as fair as possible. This means that certain variables which can easily effect the investigation will have to be kept constant and I will have to select one which will be used in my investigation. The following can effect the investigation:

Type of metal

Length of the wire

Thickness of wire

Temperature of the wire

The above can effect the investigation but I will be selecting one to be used for our experiment. That is the thickness of the wire in one type of metal. However to broaden our experiment we will be using two types of wire; constantan and Nichrome.

        It is also of importance as well to talk about how the variables could effect the investigation if they were enabled.

        The type of metal would effect the investigation by depending on its resistivity. The lower the resistivity the better the conduction. If a metal has a good conduction this will mean electrons will be loosely attached to their atoms. These electrons are free to move which will mean lower resistance.  

        The length of the wire would also affect the resistance. This is because the longer the wire the electrons have longer to travel. This means that the electrons will collide more with the wire atoms, causing higher resistance. However if the wire was shorter then the resistance will be very low as the electrons will not have further to travel.

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        The temperature is also another factor which can effect the investigation. If the wire is heated up the atoms in the wire will start to vibrate more rapidly. This will cause more collisions between the free electrons and the atoms as the atoms also move into the path of the electrons. Increased collisions mean an increase of resistance.

        The thickness of the wire is another contributor. The thicker the wire the less the resistance and the thinner the wire the greater the resistance. If we look below at the diagram:

If we look at the smaller circle which is representing ...

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