Does the length of wire effect resistance

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Michael Hyatt

Does the length of wire effect resistance?


Electricity is conducted through a conductor, in this case wire, by means of free electrons. The number of free electrons depends on the material. The more free electrons in a particular metal means that it is a better conductor. The better the conductor the less its resistance. Gold has more free electrons than iron and, as a result, it is a better conductor. Free electrons are given energy and move because of electromagnetic currents. Movement of these free electrons means that they will collide with neighbouring free electrons. This happens across the length of the wire and thus electricity is conducted. Resistance is the result of energy lost. It involves collisions between the free electrons and the fixed particles of the metal, other free electrons and impurities. These collisions convert some of the energy into heat.


To find out how resistance changes if the length of a wire in changed.


I predict that the longer the wire, the higher the resistance. This is because there will be more collisions in a longer piece of wire. Therefore, more energy is going to be lost in these collisions. Furthermore, doubling the length of the wire will result in double the resistance. This is because by doubling the length of the wire, you are doubling the amount of collisions, meaning you are doubling the loss of energy.

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Preliminary Work

For our preliminary work, we measured the current passing through a copper wire of lengths 10cm and 50cm at 1 volt and 5 volts. There was an ammeter in parallel to the circuit to take readings from each voltage.

The results were as below:

The 10cm wire at a voltage of 5 volts, simply melted as a result of the testing. If I did have a value for that particular test, it would sway the results, as the temperature would have heated up. Heat affects resistance therefore my results would e affected. As a result of the preliminary ...

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