Ecstasy. For my Biology coursework, I have chosen the highly debated topic of whether or not to make ecstasy readily available

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Rishi Magudia

Biology Coursework


Page 2 – Glossary

Page 3 – Introduction

Page 3 – What Is Ectasy

Page 3-4 – what does it do to you?

Page 4-5 – Negative effects of


Page 6 – The Law on MDMA

Page 6-7 – Advantages and Disadvantages

Page 7 – Conclusion


        For my Biology coursework, I have chosen the highly debated topic of whether or not to make ecstasy readily available. In the Following Pages I will describe both sides of the argument, for and against legalising ecstasy. From both sides I will give my opinion and justify it in the conclusion.

What Is Ecstasy?

        Often called the Designer drug or Ecstasy is a Class A drug, frequently used by Clubbers to stay awake and energetic to literally “dance the night away”. Normally in a tablet when ingested would give the user the desired effect for 3-6 hours after the 30 minute wait for the drug to kick in, followed by a gradual cool-down.

        On a more scientific term, Ecstasy is a synthetic chemical known as MDMA (methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine), or a combination of MDMA and MDA, which tend to have similar yet slightly different effects.

The pure form of MDMA is a white crystalline powder. Although it's increasingly sold as powder in a plastic bag, it's traditionally and more widely available as either a pressed tablet, often branded with a symbol of some sort, or a capsule. The active oral dose of the drug is at least 75mgs, with most pills containing 80-120mgs. 

The exact nature and strength of the effects doesn't just depend on the dose, though. The body weight, tolerance levels, and general physical health and mental state of the user all have parts to play. So do the circumstances under which MDMA is taken. While it's best known as a dance drug and the most popular place to take it is at a club or a rave, some people take MDMA in the “safety of their own home”



What does it do to you?

        Ecstasy is a stimulant drug, and as expected by a stimulant drug it increase’s brain activity via 3 different neurotransmitters. But to understand the first step you first must know what a neurotransmitter is.

In scientist’s words, A Neurotransmitter is a chemical substance that carries impulses from one nerve cell to another.Basically transferring instructions throughout the human body. These neurotransmitters are manufactured by the

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body and when needed are released from storage sacks in the nerve cells, Yet between the millions of brain/nerve cells lays a tiny junction or gap, named the synaptic gap.

These Neurotransmitters when needed are released by the by the nerve cells are “squirted” across the synaptic gap, and the shower of chemical neurotransmitters land on a field on a field of miniature bumps attached to the surface of the other nerve cell on the other side of the synaptic gap. (Diagram to the right)

These bumps are receptors, and they all have distinctive shapes. The neurotransmitters then after ...

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A good GCSE level report that outlines the effects of MDMA on the nervous system and gives a balanced account of potential benefits and side effects of MDMA use. To improve: 1)Explain how MDMA is thought to increase serotonin levels 2)Summarise how MDMA is thought to cause negative side effects 3)Provide references for all proposed 'advantages' 4)Give a reference list at the end. The references are meaningless without a list