Extraction of Halogens: Iodine and Chlorine.

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Rhiannon Joseph

Extraction of Halogens: Iodine and Chlorine

A method of extracting chlorine is via the membrane cell. This process is described below:

On one side circulating brine is in contact with a titanium anode and chloride ions are discharged producing chlorine gas:

2Na+ (aq) +   2Cl-(aq)                         2Na+ (aq) +   Cl2 (g) +   2e-

A steel cathode supplies electrons to the water to liberate hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions:

2Na+ (aq) + 2H2O (l) +   2e-                        2Na+ (aq) +   H2 (g) +   2OH-(aq)

Any chemical reaction which involves oxidation and reduction is described as a redox reaction. This therefore causes the above reactions to also be described at redox reactions as reduction and oxidation are taking place. [3]

In the process of extraction of halogens it is necessary to keep apart the products formed at both the cathode and anode in order to prevent them reacting.  

A mercury cathode cell can be used to achieve this, as the products are produced in different containers. Electrolysis takes place in the first container; this contains anodes coated with a metal oxide; Chlorine ions are discharged here.

At the mercury cathode, sodium ions discharge and immediately dissolve in the mercury to form liquid amalgam.

The electrolyser of a mercury cathode cell

This then runs into the second container where the sodium is oxidised and the ions pass into the solution, hydroxide ions and hydrogen are formed from water at the cathode. The products of the operation are highly pure, chlorine gas, hydrogen gas and 50% sodium hydroxide solution.

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The decompose of a mercury cathode


On the other hand, the membrane cell solves this problem by inserting a modern membrane into the cell. This membrane allows cations such as 2Na+ (aq) to pass through it, but not anions like 2Cl-(aq)         On one side brine is in contact with a titanium anode and chloride ions are discharged producing chlorine gas. The sodium ions pass through the membrane into dilute sodium hydroxide solution. Hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions are liberated from water at the cathode.


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