Factors Affecting The Resistance (Thickness)

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Investigating the factors affecting the resistance

Name: Sukhdev Singh Shah

Form: 10GK



Electrons move more easily through some conductors when a potential difference is applied. Resistance is determined by how good or bad a conductor a material is.

A good conductor has a low resistance while a poor conductor has a high resistance.


Resistance is defined by: R= V/I                 

If I= 2A when V= 12v, then R= 12/2 = 6 Ω


Some conductors are made from carbon or alloy wires, and are intended to have resistance, so we call them resistors. Resistors used in everyday life have values ranging form usually a few ohms, but go up to millions of ohms.

Resistors in a series:

The resistors below are in Series. The current flowing through all (I) is the same, and the separate potential difference across then is the same as the total potential difference across the 3 (V).

i.e. V= V1 + V2 + V3

If R is the combined resistance, V= IR

Resistors in parallel:

The resistors below are parallel. The total current (I) equals the sum of the currents in the separate branches, and the potential difference between the ends of each is the same.

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i.e. I= I 1 + I 2 + I 3 


To see how the length of a wire affects the resistance of electricity in a series circuit.


  • If hands are wet, dry them before using electrical equipment.
  • Do not put the voltage to high.
  • Be careful with all equipment.
  • Do not touch wires which are either split or have no plastic casing when they are connected to a power supply.

Fair Test:

Temperature must be constant.

You can’t do half the experiment one day then do the rest the next day ...

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