Find out how resistivity changes as the length of wire is changed, and to find out the resistivity of a certain unknown wire.

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Section A- Plan


To find out how resistivity changes as the length of wire is changed, and to find out the resistivity of a certain unknown wire.


  • Power Pack
  • Ammeter
  • Voltmeter
  • Crocodile clips
  • Wire
  • Metre rule
  • Thermometer


  1. Measure the diameter of wire using a micrometer, taking measurements in 3 different places along wire and take an average.
  2. Take a piece of wire which is 100cm long, and attach t a metre rule.
  3. Connect up wire to a power Pac, ammeter and voltmeter using crocodile clips and wires, to produce a circuit.
  4. Vary the length of wire used in circuit by moving croc clips along the wire at 10cm intervals.
  5. Record in a table the voltage and current for each of the 10cm intervals.
  6. Find the resistance of wire for each recorded length, using the formula R= V/I
  7. Repeat the whole method 3 times and find the average resistance of each length of wire.
  8. Measure the temperature of the room with the thermometer and note this down.
  9. Use the average diameter to calculate the cross-sectional area using A= π(d/2)2  
  10. Plot resistance (y-axis) against length (x-axis). Draw in the line of best fit.
  11. y=mx+c    R= (ρ/A × length) + 0   Use gradient ρ/A to calculate resistivity (ρ).


Safety was one of my top priorities. I was cautious when measuring the voltage of the wire incase it became very hot. The voltage was not increased to above 2V as this would probably burn my hands or the metre rule, due to the heating effect of wire.

Preliminary test

It was necessary to carry out a preliminary test in order to familiarise with using the equipment, and also to help realise mistakes, so that they wouldn’t affect the real experiment. The experiment was set up as said so in my method.

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Preliminary Results

My results show me that as the length of the wire increases so does its resistance. In my actual experiment I will get 3 sets of results and calculate average in order to obtain precise readings. I found that I should use a low voltage in order to keep the heat generated as low as possible. Using a very high voltage could have burnt the wire or the lab unit. During the experiment the wire heats up, this causes more collisions between the electrons and the atoms as the atoms ...

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