How temperature affects the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction.

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How temperature affects the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction


        To investigate how temperature affects the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction.


        There are 4 variables, which can be changed in this reaction:



-P. H.


I am going to investigate how temperature affects the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction so I am going to change the temperature. The other 2 variables must be kept the same. I will keep the others the same by using the same amount of substances at the same concentration and the same pH. This will help to make the investigation a fair test.

Preliminary Work: 

In my preliminary work I found out that 15cm3 of 2% Starch and 5 cm3 of 0.1% Amylase worked at the best speed. Any more amylase or less starch worked to quickly and anymore Starch and less Amylase took too long.


        As this experiment involves enzymes that can be harmful and high temperatures some safety equipment must be used:

-Safety Specs. To protect the eyes from any of the chemicals which may harm them.

-Lab coat. To stop any hot chemicals spilt from directly touching and burning clothes or skin.

-Boiling tube rack and tongs. To pick up and hold hot boiling tubes without risk of burning the hand and dropping them.

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Apparatus:        -Boiling Tubes

                -Measuring Cylinder

                -Dimple Tray

                -Stirring Rod

                -Stop Watch

-Water Bath


-Bunsen Burner

                -Tri Pod

                -Heat Proof Mat



Chemicals:        -Starch (2%)

                -Amylase (0.1%)



        Set up the equipment as shown above in diagram. Heat the water bath to 40ºC. Place the boiling tubes containing starch and amylase into the water bath. When the starch and amylase reach 40ºC pour both into the same tube and ...

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