I am going to investigate one factor, which affects the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (aq).

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GCSE Science  - Sc1 Coursework – Experimental and Investigative Science


I am going to investigate one factor, which affects the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (aq).  We know that when a certain solid is added to a solution of hydrogen peroxide in water, it makes the hydrogen peroxide break down into water and oxygen gas much faster then it would on its own.  We also know that the following decomposition takes place:

Hydrogen peroxide         water + oxygen

2H2O (aq)                               2H2O (l) + O2 (g)

so this can help me in making a prediction.   To make the test a fair one I would only be able to change one thing at a time so therefore the factors, which I could investigate, are:

  1. The amount (mass) of catalyst e.g. 0.1g, 0.2g, 0.3g etc
  2. Temperature
  3. Different catalysts e.g. copper oxide, zinc, iron oxide.
  4. State of division of the catalyst (powder, small, medium, large lumps).
  5. Rate of swirling e.g. slow, medium, fast.
  6. Change the volume of the H2O2 (aq).
  7. Use different concentrations of H2O2. 

I could only investigate numbers 1, 6 or 7.  This is because I do not have the equipment for some of the experiments, which I could perform (e.g. number 2) or it would be hard to measure accurate results from the experiment (e.g. number 5).  I have decided to investigate the affect that number one will have on the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (aq).  This is because I could get accurate results and have all the equipment needed to carry out the experiment.  

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Using the information I already know about the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (see above equations) I can predict that the larger mass of catalyst (which will be manganese oxide MnO2) the quicker the rate of decomposition.  It is also because to increase the rate of a reaction you need to increase the number of successful collisions. One possible way of doing this is to provide an alternative way for the reaction to happen which has a lower activation energy.  A catalyst provides an alternative route for the reaction. That alternative route has lower activation energy.


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