In our experiment we aimed to investigate the effect of the length of wire upon its resistance.

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‘The Resistance of a Piece of Wire’


In our experiment we aimed to investigate the effect of the length of wire upon its resistance.

Preliminary Work

In order to use a reliable method in our experiment, we first had to take some preliminary readings. We had to perform a preliminary experiment to back-up our plan for the main procedure. In our preliminary testing, we aimed to:

  1. Discover what differences in length between each test we were going to test, ie. 1cm, 2cm, 3cm, etc., or 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, etc..
  2. Discover which material to test the resistance of.
  3. Discover which voltage to use

Preliminary Results

Below I have recorded my preliminary results in a table. I have separated the results into three sections, depending on the differences (cm) between the measured results.

It is difficult to analyse these results when they are portrayed in a table format, so I have drawn three graphs for each set of data, and added a line of best fit (trend line) by hand.


Based on these preliminary results, we came to these conclusions:

  • We will use differences of 1cm between our measured lengths because these gave us the most closely correlated set of results.
  • We used copper wire in this experiment, and it didn’t heat up too much, and it gave us adequately consistent results. We will use this same wire in our main experiment.
  • Using 5V of power from the power pack, we recorded a good set of closely correlated readings. Also this didn’t heat the wire up too much, which gives us more reliable and accurate results.


  • Power Supply (5V)
  • Ammeter (current)
  • Voltmeter (voltage)
  • Thin Copper wire
  • Meter Ruler
  • Crocodile Clips
  • Connecting Wires


  1. We lay down the circuit with the voltmeter in parallel over the 10cm piece of wire connected by crocodile clips.
  2. The ammeter was connected in series, with the power pack set to 5V. We set the supply to 5V because this gave us consistent results in our preliminary work. It also kept the wire at a constant degree temperature in the preliminary work.
  3. Our piece of copper wire was placed in the circuit. We chose copper wire because in our preliminary work, we tried other wires and this gave us the most consistent results. We also decided to use a 1cm difference between each length tested on because in our preliminary work this gave a consistent set of results.
  4. We then powered the circuit (5V).
  5. Then we noted down the ammeter and voltmeter readings in our results table and followed hastily to turn off the power pack to avoid the wire reaching high temperatures.
  6. This heat would cause a higher resistance and then affect our results (explained later)
  7. The crocodile clips which were connecting the wire started by being 1cm apart while attached to the wire, and then after we had taken the measurements we slid the clips along the wire until they were 2cm apart, and so on.
  8. We then went back to step one.
  9. After doing all 10 readings, we repeated each length to give us more accurate results, and enabled us to take an average resistance, and therefore we could identify any anomalies in our results.
  10. After this we found the resistance in each test (Voltage (V)

                                                                              (Current (A)

            then we took the average the two resistances, then recorded our results in a graph.

The Circuit

This shows the copper wire, voltmeter (volts), ammeter (current), power pack (5V) and connecting wires.


The resistance is calculated using the current flowing in the circuit, and the voltage of the circuit. The voltmeter is connected in parallel around the wire itself, and records the voltage (volts). The current (amps) is measured with an ammeter, which is connected in series. After both current and voltage has been recorded, this formula is used to calculate the resistance (ohms [Ω]):

Resistance Ω = Voltage (V)

                  Current (A)


In order to investigate the effect of the length upon its resistance, first we must investigate other possibilities which affect the resistance, and so might affect our experiment and the reliability of the results.

Factors Affecting the Resistance of a Piece of Wire

This resistance can be affected by many different variables:

  1. Length - Thinking in terms of electrons in the conductor, the increase in resistance with length is due to greater number of collisions with the atoms of the conductive metal that electrons undergo. These collisions slow the drift movement of the electrons resulting in a lower current for a fixed voltage, resulting in an increased resistance using the formula above.
  2. Cross-Sectional Area – As the Cross-Sectional Area increases, so the number of electrons (carrying charge) per unit increases. There are more electrons, so more of a current. With a higher current for a fixed voltage, that means there is less resistance.
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  1. Temperature – When a voltage is put through a piece of wire, it is heated up. If the wire is heated up the atoms in the wire will start to vibrate because of their increase in energy. This causes more collisions between the electrons and the atoms as the atoms are moving into the path of the electrons. This increase in collisions means that there will be an increase in resistance. This temperature aspect ...

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