Investigate the difference in energy transfer when dropping a squash ball from different heights.

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Investigate the difference in energy transfer when dropping a squash ball from different heights.

Squash Ball Experiment

Important Variables:

Height Of Drop
Temperature of Ball
Material of Ball
Acceleration Due To Gravity
Air Resistance


        I will investigate how energy is transferred when dropping a squash ball, and how the height the ball is dropped from effects how much energy is transferred.

        The types of energy I will be looking at are: -

GPE (gravitational potential energy)

  • This is at its most when the ball is being held.

To work out an object’s GPE we use the equation: -

        GPE=Mass (kg) x Gravity (n/kg) x Height (m)

        So the GPE of a squash ball at a height of 2 metres, when it’s mass is 0.237kg (23.7g) and Gravity is always 10n/kg is:

        0.237 x 10 x 2 = 4.74 j

Kinetic energy

  • this is when the ball is moving i.e. falling through the air; we can work it out using the equation: -

Kinetic energy = ½ x mass x velocity

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* Velocity is the distance travelled in a stated direction (in this case down) or displacement divided by time taken;

        Velocity = Displacement

                       Time taken  

 So if we use the example:

                Displacement= 2

                  Time taken = 0.5        …the velocity would be 4.

        So the Kinetic energy of a squash ball being dropped from 2 metres, with a velocity of 4 would have a kinetic energy of:

        ½ x 0.237 x 16 = 1.896j

        There will also be a resisting force (air resistance) acting on ...

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