Investigate the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis on a green plant.

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For this piece of coursework I have been set a task to investigate the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis on a green plant. I stress that it is a green plant because not all plants have the pigment chlorophyll, that’s why not all plants are green. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction occurring in the leaves of green plants. Using the energy from sunlight, it changes carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, where oxygen is the waste product. Glucose can be converted to sucrose and carried to other parts of the plant in phloem vessels. Glucose can also be converted into starch and stored. The starch can later be turned back into glucose and used in respiration.

                        6CO2                 +    6H20   + Light energy==(chlorophyll)==>    C6H12O6       +     6O2  

For this experiment I will be using a Canadian pondweed called Elodea. Elodea will be good for this experiment because it has a tendency to release oxygen bubble from a cut end.

Affecting factors

As photosynthesis occurs there are many factors that can help and/or hinder the rate it occurs.

The following factors can affect the rate of photosynthesis

  • Light intensity
  • Temperature
  • Carbon dioxide concentration
  • Water concentration
  • Chlorophyll concentration
  • Pollution
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Light colour/wavelength

As light levels increase, photosynthesis increases until the light compensation point (LCP) occurs.  The LCP is the light level where photosynthesis and respiration balance each other; where CO2  and O2   will move neither in nor out the leaf. Plants can survive at LCP only if stored reserves are available. With increasing light levels, photosynthesis increases and then levels off. This peak is called the light saturation point (LSP), after which there is no increase in photosynthesis with increasing light levels. Now another factor becomes the affecting factor. Energy bonds in CO2 and H20 are less than the bonds in O2 and C6H12O6 so extra energy needs to come from somewhere. Plants get it from sunlight. So the more sunlight there is, the more energy there is for the reaction. Light intensity isn’t actually the affecting factor it is actually irradiance, which is the measurement of light that strikes the surface of the leaf.

Depending on plant species, photosynthesis can occur near 0ºC to 40ºC. However, the optimal temperature range for most plants is 20-25ºC. Temperature affects the rate of photosynthesis because many process in photosynthesis involve enzymes therefore temperature sensitive. As the temperature approaches 45ºC the enzymes controlling photosynthesis become denatured and the rate of photosynthesis will decline to zero.

Carbon dioxide is needed during the dark reactions where it is fixed into organic compounds.  The normal atmospheric concentration of CO2 is 0.03-0.04% but increasing the concentration increases the photosynthetic rate.  The short-term optimum is about 0.5% but this can cause damages over long periods, when 0.1% is better.

Water is a raw material for photosynthesis and essential to maintain leaf and cell turgor. Any moisture deficiencies to plants result in dehydration of cells and leaves wilting; these effects slow the rate of photosynthesis. Also when the plant is lacking water the stomata will close to reduce water loss. Therefore leading in little CO2  being able to diffuse through. Clearly, in a water plant, like the pondweed, as long as the plant is fully submerged in water at all times, this will not be a problem.

Chlorophyll is the molecule that absorbs sunlight and uses its energy to synthesise carbohydrates from CO2 and water. Chlorophyll concentration is not normally a limiting factor, but it can become one if chlorophyll levels are abnormally low.  This can be caused by disease (such as mildew), mineral deficiency, and the normal ageing process.  Iron, magnesium, nitrogen and sunlight are necessary for chlorophyll production, so lack of any one of these can lead to yellowing of the leaves. Less chlorophyll means less sunlight can be absorbed for photosynthesis.

Low levels of ozone and sulphur dioxide are very damaging to some plant leaves.  Soot can block stomata (the pores on the underside of leaves that allow gas exchange), and prevent light from reaching the chloroplasts by coating the leaf.

Iron, copper and chlorine are all important minerals involved in photosynthesis. Iron is a component of the many enzymes and light energy transferring compounds involved in photosynthesis. Copper is a component of enzymes involved with photosynthesis. Plants use chlorine as chloride ion. Chloride is useful as a charge balancing ion and for turgor regulation, keeping plant cells more free of infection by disease organisms. It is essential for photosynthesis.

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Photosynthesis peaks at blue light (400-450nm) and red light (650-700nm). However, light wavelengths from green to orange aren’t absorbed well by chlorophyll. This is because chlorophyll reflects green light. White light is absorbed best because it contains both blue and red light.

Preliminary Experiment:


To find out what colour of light is best to use in my main experiment.


I predict that I will find out that white light is the best colour to use. I know that blue and red lights are absorbed well by the green pigment called chlorophyll, which is the ...

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