Investigate what factors affect the resistance of a wire

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Science Investigation

Resistance of a wire

We have been asked to investigate what factors affect the resistance of a wire, the factors that

will affect the resistance of the wire are :

The material from which the material is made from, as different materials have differing densities

and conductivity levels resistance will be affected as a result of this, this will be because if the

object is denser there are more atoms for the traveling elctrons to collide with, thus increasing

the resistance.


The temparature of the wire before the current is passed through the wire. this will  affect

resistance because as atoms heat up or cool down they move either quicker or slower,

respectively, if the atoms are moving faster there is a much greater chance of the travelling

electrons colliding with these atoms.


The Thickness of the wire, this will affect resistance because as the wire gets thicker there is

more space in the wire and therefore less chance of the electrons colliding with the atoms.


Finally the length of the wire is a factor which will affect resistance, this is because as the wire

gets long there is a much greater chance of electrons colliding with atoms because there are

more that the electrons have to pass in the wire.

I am going to investigate how the resistance of a wire Variates due to the thickness of this wire, i

will be using 6 different thicknesses of wire, My hypothesis is that as the wire gets thicker the

resistance of the wire will decrease, this is because of the increase in space in the wire. The

increase in space means that there is more space for the electrons to flow freely because there

would be fewer collisions with atoms, this will give a negative curve on a graph that i draw.

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I will take Three measurements of the thicknesses of the wires at different points along the wire,

at the end the middle and the other end, and take an average, the wires thickenesses will be

measured using a micrometer i will then use this thickness to calculate the cross-sectional area of

the wire using the formula *Pi x (R x R) where R= the radius of the wire the radius is half the

diameter, and the diameter of course is the thickness of the wire so i will get the mean cross

sectional area throughout ...

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