Investigating factors affecting the stopping distance of a tub catapulted along a surface.

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Kelly Ide 10G                                                        18.03.2003

Investigating factors affecting the stopping distance of a tub catapulted along a surface


The stopping distance of an object is how far it travels before it stops. It stops because, as it slows down there is less pushing force, so the friction is greater. They are unbalanced so it stops. All the kinetic energy is transferred to heat energy.

Stopping distance can be affected by many factors-

  • Elastic Potential Energy of the elastic band – If the band has more elastic potential energy this will be transferred to kinetic energy. If the tub has more kinetic energy it will move further.
  • Mass of tub – If the tub is heavier the tub’s stopping distance will be less. Kinetic energy is found by ½mv2. If the mass increases, the speed would have to decrease in order to keep the kinetic energy constant. If the launch speed is lower, the stopping distance will be less.
  • Slope of surface – If the tub is going down a slope it would go further because there would be more gravitational potential energy due to the height, and this would be converted to more kinetic energy. If it was going up a slope because it would need more kinetic energy to convert back to gravitational potential energy.
  • Friction between the surfaces – If there were more friction (e.g. Carpet) the forces would not be balanced, so the car would stop quicker. Also more kinetic energy would be transferred to heat energy, so it would run out of kinetic energy quicker.
  • Air resistance/shape of tub – Air resistance slows movement because it acts with friction. If the tub has a larger force of air resistance acting on it, it will move slower, lessening its stopping distance.
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To investigate how the mass of a margarine tub affects its stopping distance when the air resistance, surface and the elasticity of the elastic band are kept constant.


I predict that as the mass of the tub is increased the stopping distance will decrease.


We did a piece of preliminary work on the computer software, where the mass of a trolley was changed and the launch speed measured. As the mass was increased the launch speed decreased. The elastic band was pulled back the same amount each time, giving a constant elastic potential ...

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