Investigating Resistance in an electrical circuit

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Investigating Resistance in an electrical circuit


        The aim of this experiment is to investigate the resistance in an electrical circuit.  There are many different ways to investigate the resistance in a wire, however to do so there must be some background research and prior knowledge of electrical circuits and the components.

        Through research I have learnt that George Simon Ohm was one of the forefathers of research into electrical resistance. And, thus accordingly resistance is measured in ohms (Ώ). Resistance is the “opposition of a body or substance to current passing through it, resulting in a change of electrical energy into heat or another form of energy.” (

        To calculate the resistance of a wire, you need to multiply together the current and voltage:

Resistance = Current x Voltage

R       =       I     x     V




        The horizontal line is a divide sign. The calculation is started with whatever quantity that is looked for. "V=", "I=" or "R=" all possible formulae based on this particular Ohms law will be attained. Another useful method is if you place your finger on the calculation you are looking for you are left with the formula you are looking for, that is; V=IxR, I=V/R, R=V/I. It should be apparent that the formula works the other way to, that is; IxR=V, RxI=V, V/I=R and V/R=I. From this, we conclude that; Current equals Voltage divided by Resistance (I=V/R), Resistance equals Voltage divided by Current (R=V/I), and Voltage equals Current times Resistance (V=IR). This is ohm’s law.

        This is how Ohm’s Law would be applied into this question.

Find the electrical resistance of a light bulb, which passes 4A of current when a potential difference of 240V is placed across it.

R = V/I = (240V) / (4A) = 60 Ώ

Suppose a bulb passes 3A of current when 360V is put across it, what then is its resistance?

R = V/I = (360V) / (3A) = 120 Ώ

Factors affecting the resistance of a wire

        Thickness affects the resistance of a wire. The thicker the wire the lower the resistance because there is less resistance to the flow of electrons. If the length of a wire is doubled, the resistance is doubled. Another is the effect of temperature on a conductor. The higher the temperature, the higher the resistance. This is because the hotter the wire becomes the more vibrations make atoms "get in the way" of the electrons more often. The electrons then spend more time than necessary on diverted courses instead of going round the circuit on the shortest course possible.

        Different materials will also affect the resistance on a wire. Copper is generally used in electrical circuits though ideally silver would be used in every circuit but it is expensive to use. Copper has a low resistance and is the most efficient after silver. Materials with high resistances have their purposes in some electrical circuits too. Nichrome (an alloy of 80% Nickel and 20% Chromium) is often used as a heating element in electrical devices.

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        For my experiment I have decided that I will see whether the length of wire affects the resistance in a wire and I have also decided to see whether the thickness of the wire will also affect the resistance in a wire.


        I predict that there will be higher resistance in wires that are longer in length because the path the electrons have to go through is longer.  I also believe that as the length doubles the resistance will also double. I also believe that the thicker the wire is the less resistance will be ...

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