Investigating the distance a trolley travels down a ramp.

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Investigating the distance a trolley travels down a ramp

I am investigating the factors that may affect the distance of a trolley travelling before coming to rest.

When the trolley is raised to the top of the ramp it has gravitational potential energy (when it is stationary), which then converts to kinetic energy as (work is done) it moves down the slope and finally loses its kinetic energy caused by friction, converts back into potential energy as the trolley comes to rest.

K.E = ½mv²

EP = mgh

K.E – Kinetic energy

        K.E = ½mv2

Kinetic Energy is energy in an object, as a result movement. The amount of the kinetic energy depends on the mass and the speed of the object. When the object is lifted from a surface a vertical force is applied to the object. As this force acts through a distance, energy is transferred to the object. The energy connected with an object held above a surface is gravitational potential energy. If the object is dropped, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

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P.E – Potential energy

        Potential Energy is stored energy by an object as a result of the positions of the components of that object. For example, if a ball is held above the ground, the object holding the ball up and the Earth has a certain amount of potential energy; lifting the ball higher increases the amount of potential energy. Other examples of potential energy include a stretched rubber band – once stretched out it has a “potential” of flicking back.

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