Investigating the Effects Enzymes In Potato Have on Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

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Investigating the Effects

Enzymes In Potato Have on

Hydrogen Peroxide Solution


My aim is to investigate the effects, enzymes in potato have on Hydrogen Peroxide.


In my investigation I could of used liver, but I will use potato instead. I have chosen to use potato because with potato I can time it. With liver I cant time it as it reacts with hydrogen peroxide quickly.


What are enzymes and how do they work?

Enzymes are biological catalyst, which speeds up the rate of reaction. Enzymes break up food so they can pass through easily. Enzymes, which break down starch, cannot break down protein or fat. There are three types of enzymes they are:

> Lipase: converts fats (big molecule) into fatty acids (small molecule).

> Protease: converts protein (big molecule) into amino acid (small molecule).

> Carbohydrase: converts starch (big molecule) into glucose (small molecule).

Enzymes work in three stages, these stages are:

. Firstly the substrate (food) molecule moves into the enzyme lock.

2. Secondly the substrate fits enzyme forming an enzyme-substrate complex.

3.Finally the chemical bonds are broken and product molecule are released and the enzymes remain unchanged.
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What factors effect enzymes?

Temperature and pH effect enzymes. Our body temperature is 37oc. Enzymes work best at body temperature any lower or higher they don't function well. If the body temperature gets very high or very low the they start dieing, when the pH changes they also die. When enzymes die it is called DENATURED.

Give some examples of how enzymes (biological or chemical) are used today?

Industries like Baking, brewing, cheese making and juices use enzymes in their products.


I predict that the 12mm potato will let out most ...

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