Investigation of factors that affect resistance of a wire

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Investigation of factors that affect resistance of a wire

This coursework is an investigation of factors that affect the resistance of a wire.

Electricity is conducted through a conductor, in this case wire, by means of free electrons. The number of free electrons depends on the material and more free electrons means a better conductor as it has less resistance. The free electrons are given energy and, as a result, move and collide with neighbouring free electrons. This happens along the length of the wire and therefore electricity is conducted. Resistance occurs when the electrons travelling along the wire collide with the fixed particles of the wire. These collisions slow down the flow of electrons causing resistance as they convert some of the energy the free electrons are carrying into heat. Resistance is a measure of how hard it is for the electrons to move through the wire.

Resistance is worked out using the equation below.

R = V/I

Where V = voltage and I = current and R = resistance.

Ohms Law states that the current in a metal conductor, when kept at the same temperature, is proportional to the voltage (potential difference.) This means that the resistance of a metal conductor will remain constant as long as the temperature also remains constant. This also means that the resistance of a metal will rise as the temperature rises as at higher temperatures the particles in the metal move around more quickly, increasing the chance of collision with free electrons.

The first thing I had to do in this coursework was decide upon the factor that I would be investigating. I narrowed my list of variables down to 3 : Temperature, material and length of the material. In order to choose which factor to investigate I looked at my options and looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each as well as how effective and easy to measure they are.


.Temperature : If a wire is heated the atoms in the wire start to vibrate because of the increase in energy. This causes more collisions to take place between the electrons and the atoms because as the atoms move more quickly they are more likely to collide with the electrons. This increase in collisions means that there will be an increase in resistance.
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2. Material : The type of material I use will affect the amount of free electrons that are able to flow through the wire. The number of free electrons depends upon the amount of electrons in the outer shell of the atoms, so if there are more or larger atoms with incomplete outer shells then it is likely there'll be more electrons available. If the material has a high number of atoms there will be high number of electrons causing a lower resistance because of the increase in the number of electrons. However if the atoms in the ...

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