Investigation on Photovoltaic Cells

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PHYSICS COURSEWORK                                                           PAVAN AULAK 11AV

PHYSICS COURSEWORK                                                          PAVAN AULAK 11AV

Investigation on Photovoltaic Cells


Electricity is the flow of negatively charged particles called electrons. Photovoltaic (PV) cells, also known as solar cells convert sunlight directly into electricity. These cells are made by materials called semiconductors; the most commonly used material is silicon. When a light source hits the cell, a certain amount of it is absorbed within the semiconductor material. The energy of the absorbed light is then transferred to the semiconductor. The light energy knocks the electrons which make them loose; this then allows them to flow freely. PV cells have one or more electric fields, this helps to force the loose electrons to flow in a certain direction. This flow of electrons has now become a current. The current can now be used as electricity, for example for a calculator. By attaching metal contacts to the cells the current can be used externally. The two factors which define the wattage that the solar cell can produce are: the current and the cell’s voltage. The voltage is depends on the amount of electric fields built in. Sunlight is composed of particles of solar energy (photons). These photons contain various amounts of energy which depend on the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum. When a photon hits the surface of the cell, it penetrates into the semi-conductor which is usually silicon until it is absorbed. When photons strike a PV cell, one of three things can happen; they can be reflected or absorbed or they can pass straight through. Only the absorbed photons generate electricity. Electrical properties of the PV cell such as the built in electric magnetic field provide the voltage needed to drive the current through an external source such as a light bulb.

The idea of photovoltaic’s has been around from late 1800s but only in 1916 was an experiment carried out to prove the photoelectric affect which showed that electricity could be produced from photovoltaic cells. The in 1918 a polish scientist developed a method to produce single-crystal silicon. This is a semi-conductor which can be adapted to free electrons when it is exposed to a light source. Today PV cells are being used all over the world in everyday situations. There are villages in the US which get all their electricity from solar cells alone.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to Photovoltaic cells; an advantage of PV cells is that they require daylight not direct sunlight. However, the greater the intensity of light the bigger flow of electricity. Another advantage is that PV cells are pollution free and do not produce any greenhouse gases. This is what makes it a renewable energy source and is why it is becoming an increasingly popular industry. Along with the benefits come disadvantages; a drawback of PV cells is that they are expensive to install but once installed no other costs are needed. Furthermore, solar electricity is not available at night unless a storage power system is in place which is also expensive. If solar cells are used in existing distribution grids then they produce DC which then has to be converted into AC. Photovoltaic cells are used in everyday life, such as power stations which then provide electricity for towns and households. Some people choose to have them on their building s so they produce their own electricity. It is sometimes used as secondary power for boats, but this is still a recent development. It is also used to power stand-alone devices such as calculators, parking meters, emergency telephones and temporary traffic lights. Photovoltaic is a growing industry in developing countries; in rural areas villages are sometimes more than 5km away from an electric grid.

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Technology is moving so fast and so Photovoltaic cells are the new way forward. A common topic which has been in the news for the last decade is different ways of making renewable energy instead of burning fossil fuels. Only recently has the photovoltaic industry become high in demand. Therefore for my science investigation I have decided to study solar cells and how the surface area affects the amount of electricity produced.

        My independent variable will the surface area of the solar panels. ...

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