Investigation on rate of reaction with magnesium strip.

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Investigation on rate of reaction with magnesium strip

A student investigated the reaction between an acid and magnesium metal.  He wanted to discover if the concentration of the acid had any effect upon the rate of reaction.

The apparatus used:

  • a graduated tube
  • a delivery tube
  • dilute acid
  • trough
  • water
  • Magnesium ribbons


I predict that the higher the concentration of acid, the faster the reaction because increasing the concentration of reactants in the solution increases the rate of reaction(s).

Linking prediction to theory 

Reaction rate and concentration:

The collision theory describes how the rate of reaction increases (the time taken for the magnesium ribbon to disappear when it reacts with the acid) when the concentration of acid increases. As the reaction continues, the concentration of the reacting substances decreases and so does the rate of reaction. The reaction is speeded up if the number of collisions is increased. The higher the concentration of acid used the less time it takes for the magnesium to disappear and so the rate reaction increases. If the activation energy is high, only a small proportion of particles will have enough energy to react so the reaction rate would be very small.  However, the activation energy is very low due to the number of particles with that amount of energy being so high, so the reaction rate would be higher.

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The concentration of the acid affects the rate of reaction.

Fair Test

Use the same volume of acid for each test. Use the same mass of magnesium for each test also because if the lengths of the Magnesium are different, then the surface area and the mass of Magnesium will be affected. This will produce more than one variable, which will make the results less accurate. Keep the temperature of acid the same. Start the timer as soon as the acid is poured onto the magnesium. The beaker must be washed out after each experiment because ...

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