James Watson and Francis Cricks Discovery of DNA

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James Watson-

Origins and education

James Dewey Watson was born on April 6, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois. He was a child prodigy and attended the University of Chicago at the age of 15, where he received his Bachelor Degree of Science in Zoology in four years and went on to get his Ph.D. in Indiana University.

Research and findings

 Watson first began molecular biology due to his inspiration from Salvador Luria. In 1948 Watson began his research at a laboratory in Indiana University, where he joined the Phage Group. Another component of chromosomes, DNA, only known purpose being as a structural role to support the proteins. However, at this time Watson, had heard and known of the Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment, which stated that DNA was the genetic molecule. In March 1953 Watson along with Francis Crick created the double helix model of DNA.

Methods of investigation

Watson used X-rays to help him deactivate bacterial viruses during a research project.  Watson later used radioactive phosphate to determine the components which affected the cell during a bacteria viral infection. After learning about X-ray diffraction Watson was determined that he was on the verge of finding out about the DNA structure.


Watson had used many ideas that he had learned from Rosalind Franklin while being in the audience of many of her biological seminars, and thanks to Maurice Wilkins found out how to use X-Ray diffraction, which helped him along with Francis Crick to model the double helix DNA structure.

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Awards and Recognition

Nobel peace prize, mendel medal, known today as one of the fathers of the DNA model.

Other Fields of work

Writing books about his career eg The Double Helix

Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Elsie Franklin was born on the 25th July in London. Franklin first went to St Paul’s Girl school and later North London Collegiate School where she excelled in Science. Franklin then studied at NewnHam College in Cambridge and later received her bachelor in chemistry and received an entry invitation to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Research and findings

Franklin first began her career working ...

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