My aim is to find out how different cross sectional areas of a wire affects the resistance.

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My aim is to find out how different cross sectional areas of a wire affects the resistance.


  • Length of wire- The greater the length the greater the resistance.
  • Type of wire- the material the wire is made from will have an effect.
  • Cross sectional area of wire- The greater the thickness the lower the resistance.
  • Amount of current
  • Amount of Voltage
  • Temperature the wire gets to due to friction that may occur- The greater the temperature the greater the resistance.


We will use an ammeter to measure current and a voltmeter to measure volts. This is good equipment to use as my aim is all to do with resistance. And the equation for resistance is

Resistance = voltage/current

In symbols this is

R= V/I


The reason for resistance in wire is because of the composition of the atoms, which a particular wire is made of, and the arrangement of the atoms of these metals. When an electron passes through the wire, the electrons hit these atoms while making the journey from one end to the other giving opposition or resistance to the electrons. When this happens electrons move a force such as voltage, and in hitting these atoms, also creates heat via friction of the electrons and atoms. The resistance of an object is determined by and how the substance is composed, known as the resistivity, the dimensions of the object, and the temperature. I predict that the greater the Cross sectional area of the wire the lower its resistance because as the area increases the atoms will have more space to move around in and therefor they will not collide as much, leaving the current to flow easier. The thinner the wire is the less channels of electrons in the wire for current to flow, so the energy is not spread out as much, so the resistance will be higher. I have found out that if the area of the wire doubles so does the number of possible routes for the current to flow down, therefore the energy is twice as spread out, so resistance might halve. Also I predict that the temperature may also effect my results because due to friction the wire will heat up making more resistance

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Fair test

To keep this experiment fair we must only change one variable-the cross sectional area. I must keep the amount of power equal. I must keep the length of wire the same and must use the same material each time. To make the results more accurate I must do each surface area three times and then calculate the averages.


Be careful because the wire might get very hot due to friction. Take care when setting up the circuit to make sure that I don’t set up the circuit wrong to short circuit it.


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